Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In Limbo...

My travels/holidays have been delayed by the second coming of an ash cloud from a volcano in Chile.  Cancelled flights feel a little strange.  I have said goodbye to everyone here yet I remain in Melbourne, kicking about...

A few days ago I thought I lost a sketch book which I carry around with me in my bag.  It was not a good feeling.  To fill the void, I started a new one.  A day later, I found the old one (such a relief).  Was good to start something new and will be continuing scibblings/scrap booking in the new book which has a unique, elongated shape.

I wanted to share my latest $2 find from Sydney road; this colourful and fun rug!  Its quite small (about A2 in size).  I bought two because they were so cheap and have sat them together under my desk.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

concept design for shower screen

A snippet from my favourite project this semester.  Macquarie Island daisies in gesso, photocopy transfers, oil pastel, gouache, ink and pencil on transparent etching board:

Photo taken a few months ago in the Sub-Antarctic hut in the Hobart Botanic Gardens of a Macquarie Island environment:

Road to recovery

Party at our house last night; the day was spent recovering with Futurama on the dvd player and some good  food. By 'good', I mean containing chocolate.  I also got onto some internet searching trying to find things to do on my holidays. I ended up browsing through the 'Snuff Puppets' website wishing they would have a performance in Melbourne again soon!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I was very happy this morning... Holidays are fast approaching, it is a lovely, sunny, cold but crisp day, and when I got home I got a nice cuddle from my cat.  Looking forward to getting my blogging shoes back on in the weeks to come and seeing people I haven't seen for a while!