Monday, November 5, 2012

brighter colours, tastier beverages

Warmer weather means more hammock time assisted by appropriately flavoured drinks and colourful dresses:

This week has been very exciting in terms of finishing uni, however I am feeling burnt out, un motivated and over worked.  Which is why I was thrilled to be gifted 'Bloom' this week- a lovely little flip book by my friend Ella Noonan.  Ella published it this year and it is filled with her uniquely detailed illustrations that make it impossible to simply 'flip' through. Ella is exhibiting more of her work during December this year and also has a great tumblr featuring more of her work.

This week is going to be about playing video games, eating chips, drinking beers from here , re charging and opening the folder that has been sitting on my desktop for the past 6 months filling up with inspirational imagery: