Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fractal Knits. Infinite Dimensions...

I havent made a post for ages!
just been very busy with school and looking at other peoples blogs....
Not a whole heap has been happening in life; winter, school, being cold...
but! I have moved house which has been interesting. Having a house warming this weekend and not very
organised for it at all. We have mulled wine recipe/plan, though. However, it called for brandy and I bought a
spicy sherry. Not sure if this is something worth experimenting with.
I've been working on some knit pieces that are based on fractal patterns, in particular, computer based fractal patterns made on the program 'Fractal Domains'. Its available on mac (probably on p.c too...)

Below: a fractal pattern generated from 'Fractal Domains'

A really fun program. Inspiring for constructing textile structures.
Below are some projects I'm currently working on based on these patterns.

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