Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I mentioned a few posts back that I was attending Panama Festival as a stall holder (Lone Star Valley, Northern Tasmania) with my long time jeweller buddy, Emily-Eliza Arlotte.

Leading up to the festival, people would tell me snippets of their past experiences attending the Circus Festival, which was held in the same location.  Above all, it was emphasised what a beautiful and special place Lone Star Valley is.

Setting off, I was excited to experience this special part of Tasmania described to me and the festival itself, which has only been running for a few years.

Runestore is a joint venture for Emily and I this year.  We set it up after we had already booked in a few market dates (some people work better under pressure!).  It was fantastic to learn more about jewellery and gem stones over the weekend.  By the last day I was reeling off facts like a pro!

The other thing I learned over the weekend was to always go to a festival with a friend who has bright blue hair and a tendency to wear sequinned clothing.  They are like a beacon day and night, which is vital when phone reception is non existent and you get lots in crowds easily.


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